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6 led button , 2 mode  wireless button box 

Take your Racing experience to the next level with a SimRlink wireless 6 button , 2 mode button box 


How it works 


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The button box has 2 modes working as gears and working as buttons both types are explained below and require different products to use the features 


Connecting to OpenShifter (each button acts as a gear) (PS4 , XBOX , PS5)


Open Shifter Link


Our button box can be used as gears 1 to 6 each button being a different gear , not all games will allow you to assign commands to the gears but if you can this mode will work for you 


Connecting to SimRlink Hub (Console specific Hub PS4 , PS5 , Xbox )


Xbox version


PS5 version


PS4 / PS5 version (plays PS4 games on PS5 )


Our SimRlink button boxes connect to the SimRlink receiver box that comes with our MSB Pro handbrakes , the button box allows you to access the 4 standard buttons of your console 


Xbox hub come standard with 2 extra buttons , PS4 , and PS5 this is extra option (shifter support as it uses L1 and R1 for Shifter ) becuase these buttons connected in the SimRlink Hub the button box can then use them



Wireless or wired 


All are SimRlink Products can be wireless using 3 X AAA batterys this allows the button box to be positioned to best suit your setup with no restrictions from wires.

Our button boxes can also be powered via USB in this case you do not need the battery's 

6 button , 2 mode wireless / USB button box, SimRlink , for Xbox , PS4 ,PS5

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